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Thursday, April 7, 2011

How I hacked your Facebook account

Imagine someone got on the loudspeaker at the Denver International Airport and started yelling out over and over again, “my Facebook username is and my password is jerky123″.

Now the next day when everyone in their mom logged into his account, he would claimed he got hacked. But did he?

Guess what. Every time you are using a public wifi network, password protected or not, you are shouting to the world your username and password to every website you use that is unencrypted.

Right now, as I write this, I am sitting in the denver airport. Its pretty much dead right now. I can see maybe 100 people in the entire terminal.

I just fired up FireFox with the FireSheep extension. Within seconds I have access to various peoples Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo, Hotmail. Amazon, Hotmail, and virtually every possible service known to man.

Keep in mind FireSheep is just a Firefox plugin (Google it) that has been downloaded millions of times. This plugin is totally passive network monitoring at its easiest. Its been pre-programmed to sniff for certain usernames of passwords for pre-defined sites.

There are TONS of tools that will show you a lot more stuff.

As you can see here I accessed someones Facebook account… read some messages. Its great for passing spare time:

Google accounts are just as easy to get into using the brainless Firesheep extension. I don’t ever do anything malicious… Just maybe set people’s search results to Vietnamese or something:
If you are using a public network of any kind, wifi or not, expect many people see everything you are doing.

You didn’t just get hacked. You are yelling to anyone that can hear you your username and passwords.

So how do you become more secure? Well for starters you should always tunnel your traffic through a ssh connection, vpn, or another secure method.

But I know 99.9% of my readers probably don’t know what a VPN is much less will be able to configure one.

So lets start with the basics.

To make your Gmail account secure change this setting:
To make all your Google Searches secure use this – (I set it as my homepage).

To make your Facebook surfing secure change this setting in your account preferences:

Any place you are not using https:// in the front of the url you are at you should expect everyone is watching what you are doing.eep in mind this was at a airport where nobody was using computers….

Imagine what I see at a internet conference…..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Increasing visitor use fwebtraffic blog traffic exchange

One way to increase traffic / visitors to the blog, is to use traffic exchange service fwebtraffic. This site provides latyanan exchange traffic / visitors for free.

How it works fwebtraffic very simple, namely to become a member so we must click on the sixth link, after opening the sixth link will display the code that will be used to fill out the form code on the registration form, after the six codes are filled then we will enter data website / blog itself which will be used to follow the traffic exchange programs.


Click on each link is like in the picture below:
After click on each link will display the code in this part of the page (frame)

You will get 6 unique code every page of the sixth link above

Enter 6 random code into each ad box code (code for ad # ..), see picture below

Selanjutnya masukkan data blog, kemudian klik tombol submit.
In this system there are 6 levels, if successful obtain a full 6 levels downline then berpelunag get millions of traffic to your blog (because each downline have to open your web before becoming a member.

After registering a member, it will get a referral link, your next task is to spread these links on blogs or social networking sites, in order to quickly get downlines, the more referrals the more traffic it will be obtained, from referrals who click the link to your blog.
If interested in joining the program can then here.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog Sukses dan Dahsyat untuk adsense

1. Tiap posting 50-100 karakter/huruf saja (1 paragraf saja), nggak usah banyak2. Yang penting kata kuncinya masuk!

2. Gunakan judul posting/artikel yang menggigit. Judul dan artikel yang berisi solusi. Contoh: How to maximize your Photography technique. How to make money with Photography. The most beautiful places in indonesia. Indonesia’s secret and sacred places.

3. Ambil tema yang bagus dan bertarget. Blog Mas Manshur ini tentang foto2 seni dan kesenian di indonesia. Memang harus begitu. 1 blog 1 tema, fokus, profesional dan mendalam!

4. Hidupkan blog anda! Ini yang paling penting! Lakukan posting 5-10 artikel tiap hari! Ya, tiap hari! Jadi dalam 1 bulan ada 300-an posting. Lakukan ini minimal 3 bulan. Insya alloh pengunjung akan berdatangan. Dollar mengalir.

5. Taruh foto2 yang impresif. chemistry-nya yang mengena! 1 posting bisa 5 bahkan 10 foto! Kebanyakan blog2 besar, menggunakan foto2 yang banyak dan besar untuk membuat pengunjung tertarik.

6. Bahasa inggrisnya jangan dicampur2 dengan bahasa indonesia.
“Mmmh…. Mak Nyos…. Jogja unique food. Mau..? “
Bahasa manakah ini? he he he he…
Google lebih suka dengan bahasa inggris. So, keep on learning bro!
gunakan (hasil translate 80-90%)

7. daftarkan blog anda di google. Ketik “add blog” ato “add url” ato “add site” di google search dan daftarkan blog anda pada search engine yang muncul.

8. Be patient bro! Sing sabar… membangun aset bisnis tidaklah mudah, tapi juga tidak sulit kok. yang penting anda disiplin dengan target posting sehari 5-10 artikel.
Lakukan hal ini sampai 3 bulan. dan lihat hasil kerja anda.

9. Jika 1 blog anda tidak laku/tidak ada pengunjung, maka segera buat blog lagi dengan tema yang lain. Dulu waktu saya membangun bisnis online, saya langsung membuat 10 blog dan saya update tiap hari.

10. Keep on fighting bro! No free lunch! Jangan sampai menyerah! Sebelum anda menerima pembayaran dari google! Anda boleh menyerah jika anda sudah mendapatkan ribuan $ dari google. he..he..he..

